Women Protests, Emojis, #MeToo and the Witches.

Do random emojis scare you? Yes, the same emoji that float in your chats and messaging apps. From ripe Sunlit bananas to apples of the north, from luscious peaches to glistening brinjals, now emojis are enough to get you accused of fueling "anti-feminism" 

Reason? Infantile headlines in news blaming women, who were protesting for their rights, of causing insecurities in Korean men. Looks like these ladies have mastered the art of choosing best ways for warning the perpetrators loud and clear, emojis that puncture right at the heart of misogyny. 

To retaliate that women are body-shaming, men are giving outrageous retaliation to age old revolutionary retaliation of women against gender violence. Men ultimately provide the evidence of their existing sexism and revealing a pointless vicious cycle. 

Since the past, societies loved blaming women for mens political views or controversial populist achiever acts gone wrong moments, even for the wealthy male ie. celebrity cum politicians cum pretending-to-be-wife lovers, for every Trump there is a Millenia, for every Tharoor there was a Sunanda(she's no more now) and for all the maverick charlatan like Boris there is a Carrie-Antoinette, I'm as sure as first lady's sustainability rented wedding dress (who unapologetically subscribes to expensive furnishings, while loving to take long-haul air travel vital for Caribbean sun.)

So, is it the silly emoji who did it or it's the scapegoat culture sustained due to pervasive patriarchy? Men can go to any length for solidifying their position in higher cohorts even if they look like a buffoon. Boris and Carrie 'carried' their toddler for G7 meet but they're facing alligations for reduced the son to a 'prop' or a 'distraction' for the world leaders at the summit in Cornwall, an act of 'Diaper Diplomacy' So if it goes well, kudos for Boris and if it goes sour with public, blame it on the Carries, not on emojis! By the way, the dress which she worn for the first meeting was an identifiable piece from society favourite, the 'Vampire’s Wife' Coincidently, she was seen in pink Luella 'Ghost' dress as Johnson made his first speech as PM in July, 2019. Creative names indeed, I'll rather believe the first one!

As far as body shaming is concerned, in the wake of G7 meet, It’s been 13 years since Angela Merkel wore a low-cut dress, causing a furore and since then, she’s never again shown even a hint of cleavage in public, to avoid history repeating itself in tabloids and men taking a dig at her with the “weapons of mass distraction” headlines of 2008 while men hyperventilating over a teenie weenie emoji in 2021. Scaling new heights! 

It's hilarious how males are in, what it seems to be a Shakespearen melancholy, over a small yet powerful gesture, still I am not hearing these men coming up with potential solutions or advice to tackle gender inequity, discrimination and harassment in the workforce there? Strange ehh? 

Men are afraid, how a woman dares to laugh at them. Oh! How can she? Why does she need to? Don't she remember how he slapped her hard? Has she forgotten how her mother was treated by her father. How dare she laugh even when her soul is crushed under the weight of her dead ambitions? Shh! Shh! Little girl, how dare you laugh?? 

Men rant about being objectified by a mere emoji - a symbol that hit right at the pettiness in their mentalities and fragile egoes. Since, centuries women were threatened at gunpoints, gagged and raped, subjugated to violence in homes and relationships but the pervasive silence of the bystanders and audacity of the perpetrators was never questioned. Why? 

They can't see a woman standing for herself, standing for other women was straight out of question. Then what turned the wheel? Women standing for fellow women, singing, protesting, holding hands in hands, with eyes brimming with pain of ages and hearts worn on their sleeves they stood! Women stood up after years of being frightened, that the same men who can be someone's son or brother too, but will rape us, kill us and leaves us stranded on an empty street. 

Disparity much? When women were being illegally filmed by hidden webcams for revenge porn,where were the woke men? While in India, Delhi got rebranded from Rape Capitol to Death Capitol due to burning pyres in mass burials due to Covid, Japan still failed to apologise for the innocent women who lost lives and suffered during the World War as Comfort women, South Korean men continue to be one of the major source of demand for child sex tourism in Southeast Asia/Pacific Islands and child sex abuse/pornography websites. 

Moreover, did they ever question hosting club culture in cities that hold night parties and force teenage girls to serve adults? Did they question the hyper sexualization of young girls in kpop which serves the fantasies of middle aged perverts. In Asian countries, it's often found that women and young girls, especially school going children are treated as subjects for sexual perversion. They are repeatedly molested, cat called, followed and dragged for sexual favours. On the other hand, these 'nice men' invented "family loyalty" trope, a dog whistle to subjugate women and keep them as cheap labour. 

Men AFRAID of the WORD feminism seem to be inherent bigots. All they've attempted is to keep women in control and condition them to be a slave to their desires while lecturing them on how her needs shouldn't exceed her duties - to him, his family, his friends, his relatives, his workplace. half of the human population, the women were kept to do their bidding free of charges and be their scapegoats whenever they are out of expiry like a commodity. 

You might be aware of these cultured men who tout, womens' risen voices as Radical feminism gone out of control. Firstly, what's radical about it? Secondly, if the use of protest symbols, in this case a small emoji, constitutes feminism being "out of control", then it's clear as water, why there's a movement happening at all.

If you ever wish to know who abused the power all these years, just stress your nerve cells, a little hard and look, against whom you are barred to speak, against whom you can't point out a finger and it's who, that thinks they are some sort of divine unquestionable entity. In fact they are nothing but a piece of trash!! 

Last time when we heard of a global trash, it was Charles, who used a woman, Camilla to target no other than his own wife Diana, and that alone, got her chased and murdered, while she gasped for last bits of her life. That was a global tragedy but no different than what women kept on facing on a daily basis, just that it is much worst for a common woman. 

And, here we are, seeing men claiming that they've never insulted women's bodies! Touche! Misogyny, took a horrifying turn in Asia and that too, quite long back. I once heard a man among relatives, advising my cousin to loose her weight, specially 'near her waist' else????  "No man will ever look at you" those were his exact words. 

 It's hard.. really hard.. for being a women.. an asian woman.. in a society where exploitation was normalised in every forms and women were told. "Accept it! It is for your own benefit. Just don't ask too many questions." 

Now! Women stood up, smashing the inhumane patriarchal setup and those who benefitted the most, are getting the taste of their own medicine!

Thanks to all the women and also those men who've supported women, even asking random men on social media,  'Are Men So Fragile?' If yes, then the 'Size Does Matter After All.' Size.. of their egoes.. not of their chests boasting their bigotry. The patriarchy has been mocking women's bodies and their shapes of breasts and hips, forever, whether women have or not, what we smell like or what we feel like. So spare me all the faux male outrage now.

I spent my entire teen life being told to be too thin or doubting if I am too fat or am I too short, am I in the right clothes, If my skin is not too revealed, If my clothes are not too tight on the body parts, If I am garnering too much attention (of uncles in the neighbourhood) due my fitted clothes, If I look pretty or not or should I smile little more to look prettier enough, irrespective of the fact that I was one of the office bearer at my school, I danced, I sang, I wrote speeches, I won debates, I as editor of University Literary magazine, I as an Executive Council member at a National University but being myself was never enough.

Our bodies and existence are never 'enough'.

But they can't take it? They just cannot stop their hate. Framing the entire women's movement as an act of "anti-feminism" or "anti-equality" seems just as misogynistic. Buckle Up all you Buttercups! Women have had it enough! 

People with 'little' self worth always seem to have the 'biggest' mouth! You can't always drown the truth and women's narratives with your loud and empty threats. At least this is what you'll have to learn and accept and lawfully abide that, Women's Rights Are Human Rights. 

Honestly, the women led Korean movement is just killing me softly with songs of revolution. I sincerely hope these women succeed in there mission. Considering the ages old system oppression, I'm glad that the ladies are rightfully questioning the men for their failures and the women must keep the vigil high until the disparities are completely addressed. Even if you are called names or branded witchy, do not back down and hang in there, sisters. 

On a happy note, I'll leave you all with last year's Portland Oregon's Standup Paddleboard Witch Paddling event! Can you spot Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax in Full traditional Welsh attire? Look like a typical Saturday night where folks hangout with their homies. I heard someone saying you have to break egg shells "so witches can't use them for boats". Anyways, Witches and Warlocks really had a great time with their coven and now I'm reminded of the rushed or unsatisfactory ending of Chilling adventures of Sabrina but that's the story for another day.


  1. We NEED Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax don't we. And lots of them.
    I do hope that slowly and steadily change is happening, but sometimes despair.

    1. Change happens but on a time scale it is certainly minuscule. As humans seems to fail us we can resort to magical powers. Lol.

      As observed by Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg has impressive social skills long before social media. Lol
      She demonstrated the ability to socialize with all kinds of people within a very little time (Maskerade, Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies) which sometimes leaves Granny wondering 'if Gytha has some sort of special magic'.

      On the other hand, Granny prefers to be respected, with an element of fear except for those who know her well, such as Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlick, Agnes Nitt, and Tiffany Aching. So practical in magical world. Hahaha! So, yeah smart ladies errrrr.. witches!

  2. Long way to go for equality but every step is a foot nearer.

    1. The Solidarity, Love and sisterhood will forever keep it going but then, there are days when I think, how long we'll have to fight rather keep fighting for inclusivity. These old structurs have failed us repeatedly and have proven to be defunct and rotten. Recalibration is needed and that itself is a revolutionary idea. Until then, Long live Women solidarity!

  3. Let me assure you that all men, in all countries, at all times, under all circumstances, regardless of age and upbringing, softened and tempered by education and by a deep, meaningful and personal relationship with one woman in particular, and women in general beyond that, are not as you portray them.

    1. #NotAllMen narrative might sound pleasing but it excludes men from any liability against their actions and also, actions of fellow men. How many men will you vouch for?

      If women are sharing uncomfortable or traumatic experiences, the worst you can do is, tell her not all men are like, what she 'portrays' them to be. I think one needs to see the stats on what women, all over the world are facing, specifically in African and Asian countries - be it crime rate, sexual assault rate, gender parity, discrimination, work place harassment, because figures don't lie at all.

      Women's lived experiences hold much more value than ignorance or deliberate blindness of hetero cis males and their half-pleading attempt to show that 'Not all men' are like that.

      If you can with all your 'softer side and sane mind', Listen! Empathise! Have solidarity with women and if you cannot do the least, Probably don’t say anything at All. Period.

      If hearing about oppression against women pushes you, to think it is an attack against you and you're going lengths just to prove how 'not all men' do that, then step back, think again, read what I wrote, open your eyes and see the larger picture, you’re a bigger part of the problem than you’ve realised.

      The whole idea of ‘nice’ men is problematic. Who are nice men? Men who are polite and civil? Men who don’t molest, rape or abuse women? Is masculinity so fragile that men require validation and gratitude each and every time they show half-decent behaviour?

      #NotAllMen completely misses the point of the conversation. 

      It is not that women love to demean men for every chance they get. We are humans and we wish to be treated in the same manner. It may have missed your notice but most sexual offenders are men, and while you are not one of them as you say #NOTALLMEN
      – enough MEN ARE!

      Women are abused and humiliated for the sole reason that they are WOMEN. While you need validation of your decency all the time, it's the women who have to prove worthy of their existence each and every moment. So Don’t invalidate our emotions and villify female voices in an attempt to protect your stand.

      In other words, as responsible individuals of society smashing the unjust exploitative structures is necessity for both men and women. Gender equality can't be achieved by one gender fighting and fending for their lives. It's the war that has to be won and these small battles needs to tackled together, with both men and women. (Still men must step up their game and do the imperative as they have been silent since ages so now is the time to right all the wrongs)

      But if you need a reminder every time a woman questions or calls out on a man and his actions, you are not an ally.

      If you can't stand with her and tell her on her face that she is portraying it all wrong because #NotAllMen do so. As I am. writing this #YesAllWomen are facing some form of harassment and violence, even if it is in the form of casual sexism.

  4. We have come so far, yet the goal post is far away. Happy that more people are aware of what is wrong with women's lives and corrections are being made slowly. Posts like yours keep it in the spotlight.

    1. Years of women walking on a tight rope is culminating into a progress so miniscule that we can't even see it with our own eyes. Don't know if we should or shouldn't rejoice over these small victories. While we all keep striving for equality, better working conditions, equal wages and child support for women, no violence and no harassment, there are men out there, demanding a credit, asking for validation saying it's because of them, we could achieve this. That it's they who are givers and all I could do is laugh it off on their faces.

      It's truly a long road for freedom, for diversity, for inclusion. It's not that we ask, we inform them, warn them, that we'll take what is ours and if the system lapses completely then we know it's the system that is flawed and needs to be scrapped and restructured again, with those voices at the center who represent and resonate with women of color, the queers, the natives, the minorities and the most underrepresented and backward communities.

      Thank you for visiting the blog, Dear Brinda and sharing your ideas.

      I have had too many men sliding into the comment section trolling me here, that how disgraceful I am for not praising men and painting them with same brush when I told them exactly why #NotAllMen is a serious problem.

      I am happy to see the love and support of sisters here who don't back down easily.

      This spark needs to be alive and I wish women from all walks of life could be free to raise their voices. Encore!


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